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Journal of studies on alcohol

Journal Volume: 65
Journal Issue: 5
Journal Year: 2004
Articles in SafetyLit: 15

Absinthe: attention performance and mood under the influence of thujone

Acetaldehyde: déjà vu du jour

Alcohol outlets and child physical abuse and neglect: applying routine activities theory to the study of child maltreatment

Alcohol-related advice for Veterans Affairs primary care patients: Who gets it? Who gives it?

Discriminating between substance-induced and independent depressive episodes in alcohol dependent patients

Drinking on campus: self-reports and breath tests

Emergency room injury presentations as an indicator of alcohol-related problems in the community: a multilevel analysis of an international study

Ethnic differences in the estimates of children exposed to alcohol problems and alcohol dependence in the United States

Exploring variability and sources of measurement error in alcohol expectancy questionnaire reliability coefficients: a meta-analytic reliability generalization study

Gender differences in treatment outcomes for alcohol dependence among older adults

Outcomes of substance use disorder treatment in suicidal and nonsuicidal male patients

Patterns of drug-related disorders in a prospective study of men chosen for their family history of alcoholism

Personality traits and drinking to cope as predictors of hazardous drinking among medical students

The efficacy of a brief alcohol intervention combined with %CDT feedback in patients being treated for type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension

The role of behavioral undercontrol in the relation between alcohol use and partner aggression